California Educator

August/September 2024

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One strong union of 310,000 educators! Together, we number 3 million members across the country. That's 310,000 just in California from nearly 1,100 chapters. At the same time, it all comes down to you. As a member-driven organization, you decide. In our union, every member has a voice — from your local bargaining campaigns and solving issues at your school site all the way up to our collective advocacy in our state Capitol. We are all powerful together. This is what it means to be member-driven. Every member has a voice. CTA's organization ensures that every member has a voice and a vote in determining our union's values, goals and leaders. CTA members just like you built, maintain and enhance this structure to advocate for, support and defend the public schools our students deserve, and focus on the needs of educators working hard to make a difference in classrooms. L O CA L A SS O C I A T I O N CA L I F O R N I A TE A C H E R S A SS O C I A T I O N N A T I ON A L E DU CA T I ON A SS O C I A T I ON YOU L O CA L A SS O C I A T I O N CA L I F O R N I A T E A CH ERS A SS O C I A T I ON NA T I ONA L E DUCA T I O N A SS O C I A T I ON YOU Out of many, one! Together, we number 3 million members across the country. That's 310,000 just in California from nearly 1,100 chapters. At the same time, it all comes down to you. As a member-driven organization, you decide — well, everything! From the trainings CTA offers to what we fight for at the Capitol, you steer CTA's course. Every member has a voice. CTA's organization ensures that every member has a voice and a vote in determining our union's values, goals and leaders. CTA members just like you built, maintain and enhance this structure to advocate for, support and defend the public schools our students deserve, and focus on the needs of educators working hard to make a difference in classrooms. CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER Small Chapters share State Council Representatives. Large Chapters have more than one (on average — one representative per 449 members) SERVICE CENTER COUNCILS (25 Geographic, 3 Statewide) 21 Standing Committees of State Council Representatives SERVICE CENTER COUNCILS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR STATEWIDE STAFF Coordination Policy Making Implementation Execution MEMBERS VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREASURER Advisory Panels and Commissions BOARD OF DIRECTORS (16 Geographic and 2 At-large, 1 Higher Education and 1 CTA/NEA Coordinator. All are statewide full-time educators) PRESIDENT CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER This is what it means to be member-driven. 47 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 24

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