California Educator

August/September 2024

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Katharine Fong Julian Peeples Amy Peruzzaro Elizabeth Barcelos Chris Robledo Gladdie Cabral EDITOR IN CHIEF STAFF WRITER EDITORIAL ASSISTANT CTA SOCIAL MEDIA EDITOR CTA WEB EDITOR WEB ASSISTANT PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY-TREASURER David B. Goldberg Leslie S. Littman Erika Lynn Jones CTA ELECTED OFFICERS Gregory T. Abt, Jesse Aguilar, Joe Bar tell, Greg Bonaccorsi, Kisha S. Borden, Denise Bradford, Christopher E. Bushée, Angela Der Ramos, Wendy Eccles, Rober t Ellis, Margie Granado, Shelly Y. Gupton, Mel House, Taunya M. Jaco, Angela K . Normand, Mike Patterson, Eva Ruiz , Grant Schuster, DeWayne Sheaffer, VanCedric Williams BOARD OF DIRECTORS California Educator Volume 29, Issue 1, August / September 2024 California Educator (ISSN 1091- 6 14 8) is published in August, October, December, February, April and June by: California Teachers Association, 1705 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010-4583. Periodicals Postage Paid at Burlingame, CA , and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to California Educator, P.O. Box 4178, Burlingame, CA 94011- 4178. Stephen Harris, Jackie Howard, Gabriella Landeros, Terry Ng, Jay Or tiz , Ed Sibby, Frank Wells CONTRIBUTORS California Educator is published for the information and edification of CTA members. The editorial philosophy is governed by the policies of CTA . Ar ticles and adver tising reflect that philosophy. Letters to the editor may be sent to Publication of adver tising in the California Educator does not indicate CTA approval of the product or of the companies that purchase adver tising. For adver tising rates and information, contact Carol Nettles, Adver tising Sales Representative, AdBoom Adver tising, 404-347-1755 CTA/NEA membership dues for the fiscal year (Sept. 1, 2024, to Aug. 31, 2025) are $1,029, including a $20 refundable contribution (see for details). $25.53 of CTA annual dues is designated for CTA/ABC political activities to suppor t state and local candidates and/or initiatives, and $15.00 of CTA annual dues is designated for independent expenditures, totaling $40.53 not deductible for income tax purposes. Please consult your tax adviser. Subscription to the California Educator is $10 per year, available to persons or institutions not eligible for CTA/NEA membership. CALIFORNIA TEACHERS ASSOCIATION 1705 Murchison Dr., Burlingame, CA 94010-4583 650-697-1400; fax 650-552-5002;, EDITORIAL INFORMATION Jeff Good Emily Gordon Rachel Warino Claudia Briggs E XECUTIVE DIRECTOR ASSOCIATE E XECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT MANAGER MISSION STATEMENT The California Teachers Association exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal and quality public education for all students; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children, youth and adults are protected; and to secure a more just, equitable and democratic society. 4 ENROLL TODAY! Scan the QR code or visit In less than ten minutes you could be on your way with the CTA 403(b) Retirement Savings Plan. A cost-e•ective, high-value choice endorsed by CTA. Start early, save often, and secure a happy retirement! ai172167783819_CTA ad Aug_Sep 2024.pdf 1 7/22/2024 3:50:39 PM

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