California Educator

August/September 2024

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and leadership. A champion of culturally relevant pedagogy and educational equity, Ávila won a 2021 CTA Human Rights Award. A member of Oxnard Educators Assn., she was a site rep for 10 years and State Council delegate who served on multiple committees. As NEA Director, she has participated in leadership development efforts and is vice chair of the Hispanic Caucus. She is a two-time Education International (World Congress) delegate. Fun fact: Ávila founded CTA's Zumba Caucus, integrating her passion for dance fitness with the education sector. Jesse Aguilar DISTRICT H Aguilar is a high school visual arts teacher in Kern County. He represents thousands of educators in Kern, Tulare, Kings, Inyo and Mono counties, as well as teachers in the High Desert in L.A. County. Aguilar 's service with the Kern High School Teachers Assn. includes vice president, bargaining and grievance chair, and member of the executive board. As a State Council delegate, he served on key workgroups dealing with teacher evaluations, the CTA Long-Term Strate- gic Plan, political involvement and high school restructuring. Aguilar is an advocate of restorative justice and dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline. Fun fact: Aguilar is a huge political nerd and a three-time delegate to the National Democratic Convention. Christopher Bushée DISTRICT I Bushée is a high school chemistry educator whose union experience comprises decades of service as grievance chair, bargaining chair, political action chair, vice president and president of the Beverly Hills Education Assn. At regional and state levels, Bushée has held multiple leadership roles, including State Council rep, CTA/ABC (Assn. For Better Citizenship) committee member, Legislative Sub-Committee Co-Chair of Curriculum and Instruction and 10-time delegate to the NEA RA. Honors include CTA's Theodore Bass Memo- rial Teacher-in-Politics Award in 2009 and WHO (We Honor Ours) Awards in 2011, 2015 and 2016. Fun fact: Bushée's wife Claudia is a longtime CTA-ESP member who assists teachers with special needs students. Mel House DISTRICT J House is a credentialed P.E. teacher currently with LAUSD's Physical Education Teacher Itinerant Program. They served on CTA's Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Advisory and LGBTQ+ Conference planning committees and chaired the Equity and Human Rights Conference. A CTA State Council delegate for 12 years and NEA RA dele- gate for 14 years, House was also an active UTLA member. They served on the NEA Board of Directors for six years, the last four as CTA/NEA Coordinating Director. In 2015, they received both the NEA Foundation Award for Teaching Excellence and Global Learning Fellowship. Fun fact: House dislocated their shoulder while underground at Mammoth Cave National Park . Wendy Eccles DISTRICT K Social studies teacher Eccles is a 21-year educator and member of NEA-Jurupa, where she served as president for four years and was previously vice president, treasurer, membership engagement/organizing chair, PAC chair and on the bargaining team. She chaired the CTA/ABC Committee and San Gorgonio Service Center Council for five years, was a State Council delegate for 12 years and NEA RA dele- gate for 14 years. Eccles also serves on the San Bernardino County Democratic Central Committee and California Dem- ocratic Party Executive Board. Honors include NEA-Jurupa Rep of the Year and local and state WHO Awards. Fun fact: Eccles is an avid football fan and LA Rams season ticket holder. Margie Granado DISTRICT L Kindergarten teacher Granado grew up in Montebello, graduated from Montebello schools, and began teaching in Montebello Unified School District in 1986. She is a past president of the Montebello Teachers Assn. and also served as vice president and bargaining chair. She represented California as an NEA Board Director for six years. Granado chaired several CTA committees dealing with such issues as human rights and student scholarships and was a State Council delegate for 13 years. She is Board liaison to CTA's newly founded Women's Rights Committee. Fun fact: After years as cat guardian to Roxy, Granado recently welcomed puppy Elphaba. There is never a dull moment now! Joe Bartell DISTRICT M Bartell, a veteran instrumental music teacher, represents educators in parts of Orange and Riverside counties. He served for seven years as president of the Brea-Olinda Teachers Assn. and was also vice president and a member of the bargaining team. His many roles at State Council include serving as a delegate for five years, chairing the Legislation Committee and heading the CTA/ABC Committee for District M. Bartell received a WHO Award from his CTA chapter in 2009, and a statewide WHO Award in 2017. He was also honored in 2018 with the University of Redlands Alumni Edu- cator of the Year Award. Fun fact: A talented musician, Bartell plays the saxophone, flute and clarinet. 51 A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 24

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